L methionine in the diet accelerates human aging

Sports nutrition Supplement L methionine accelerates the aging of a person, and therefore shortens the duration of his life. In contrast, the elimination of l methionine supplements from sports nutrition, as well as the reduction of foods containing large amounts of methionine, prolong human life.

L methionine in the diet accelerates human aging

The headlines of magazines and Internet pages devoted to sports nutrition are full of numerous promises of the positive impact from hair loss Supplement L methionine. But nowhere is a word said about how this affects human aging. But it is the aging of the body that increases the probability of dying from age-dependent diseases. These include stroke, heart attack, cancer, and many others. If something accelerates the speed of aging — it means that it accelerates the rapid growth of the risk of getting a dangerous disease. That is why the purpose of this article is to find out whether methionine is dangerous for health (it is also — does L methionine accelerate human aging?).

Consider a study that was published in July 2014 in a scientific journal: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4049285/

To date, the gold standard for extending life in all animal species is optimal-calorie nutrition. In experiments in mammals (which include us — people) with the help of food restriction, it was possible to achieve a life extension of 30-40%. As studies have shown, it is the reduction in the diet of fast carbohydrates (sugars), BCAA amino acids, as well as the amino acid L methionine that led to the prolongation of life and inhibited human aging. Consider the mechanism of influence of the amino acid L methionine on life expectancy. So, let’s look at the main conclusions of scientists research from

Reducing the amino acid L methionine in the diet reduces obesity by about 20-30%, increasing energy consumption!!!

Reducing the amino acid L methionine in the diet reduces systemic inflammation. But the growth of systemic inflammation with age (which everyone can check by passing an analysis for C-reactive protein) is one of the biomarkers of the onset of old age in the body.

In experiments on rats, only one amino acid, L methionine, was reduced in nutrition by 83% (for life), and they achieved an extension of animal life by 30-40% — even without limiting the caloric content of food. And Vice versa-optimal calorific nutrition with the addition of the amino acid L methionine to the diet did not lead to prolongation of life. That is, the restriction of methionine is one of the main factors in prolonging life with an optimal caloric diet.

L methionine in the diet accelerates human aging
Experiments have shown that limiting the amino acid L methionine in the diet reduces mortality from all causes, and also increases the maximum life expectancy!!! This means that the reduction of methionine slows down the aging process, and not just prevents premature death from any disease.

The mechanism of deficiency in the diet of the amino acid L methionine for human aging and increased life expectancy is the same as that of restriction in the diet of BCAA amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine) — a decrease in the activity of mTOR kinase and the activation of autophagy processes.

Conclusions: a five-fold restriction in the diet of foods rich in the amino acid L methionine slows down human aging and increases life expectancy. To do this, athletes need to refuse to take additional methionine. In addition, it is necessary to sharply reduce the number of foods rich in methionine in the diet: eggs, chicken, rice, corn, milk and dairy products (about the harm of milk and dairy products . The least methionine in plant sources of protein (peas, beans, lentils). Most of the methionine in proteins of animal origin.

4 thoughts on “L methionine in the diet accelerates human aging

  1. Thanks, David for the post. I am an athlete, and this post is an eye-opener to me. I usually intake a lot of animal-based protein after my practice session. I must try replacing it with plant-based proteins. I will share the post with my friends.

  2. L-methionine really works, and it works gently, without disturbing the work of other organs. Its use has absolutely no effect on the stomach or liver, no heaviness or other suspicious sensations. After 2 weeks, a small, but confident down began to appear. The hair began to grow a little faster. It is logical that the quality of hair in length was not affected, but the couple of cm that grew during the use of methionine are particularly smooth and dense. Ideally, in order for the result to be persistent, noticeable and obvious, you need to drink it for several months, which I plan to do.

  3. Hello, for many years I have been fighting for beautiful healthy hair. I tried many different external methods, starting with homemade mustard masks and burdock oil, which only increased the loss, because the oil is very difficult to wash off, and ending with darsonval and Minoxidil. Can you give me any advice?

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